Founded in 2015 by a motivated marine ecologist interested in Baja’s marine mammal conservation, this research-based project aims to contribute to the conservation of cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in Bahia de los Angeles (BLA) through research and community involvement.
The objective of the project is to survey local populations of cetaceans and provide essential scientific information on their abundance, diversity, spatial-seasonal distribution, and behavior. This information will be used to better manage and conserve these species as well as improve the foundational knowledge of these animals in this area.
At PROCETUS, we have successfully conducted 7 years of research in BLA, helping to build knowledge about the cetaceans in this area and create a database of scientific information. During our research, we have registered 310 cetacean sightings which comprise of 9 different cetacean species: common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales, sperm whales, killer whales, humpback whales, blue whales, Bryde’s whales, and most importantly, fin whales.
Fin whales are the giants of the Sea of Cortes! They can reach up to 20m (66ft) in length and weigh over 45,000kg (100,000 lbs.)!
Fernanda Urrutia-Osorio, the founder of PROCETUS, is currently focusing her doctoral studies on fin whales. Her Ph.D. work will initially focus on a population of fin whales, the 2nd largest animals on Earth, in both the Southern Californian Bight and in the Gulf of California. Using population genetic techniques, she will examine the degree of genetic variability between the two groups while studying the evolutionary patterns that have helped contribute to their geographical dissociation.

400 hours at sea
6,300 kilometers
310 sightings
9 cetacean species
7 years of research
The Gulf of California is home to a resident population of fin whales that have become PROCETUS’ most studied species. Our research aims to review the ecological and genetic characteristics of this isolated, large whale population to better assess and understand their variability for future conservation efforts.
We have registered around 200 fin whale sightings with over 400 individuals. Using photo-identification techniques, we have successfully built the area’s fin whale catalogue, where we have identified over 200 individuals!
These are some of our visiting giants!

Every winter, thousands of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) travel to the Baja California nursing lagoons. The shallow waters of the lagoons allow close encounters with whales, which display unique behaviors. However, little is known about the behavior of gray whales while in the lagoons and the behavioral changes in response to whale watching have never been addressed. With the use of drones, this pilot project aims to be the first to provide a baseline understanding of gray whale behavior patterns in the Baja California lagoons and document how gray whale behaviors change with and without the presence of whale-watching boats.
At PROCETUS, we believe in empowering the next generation of scientists and conservationists. As part as our environmental education and outreach activities, we have conducted local talks to children, Marine Protected Area (MPA) staff, and have invited local children to join our scientific surveys.
As a local organization in Baja, we collaborate with other marine conservation entities and government officials. One of the ways we accomplish this, is to work alongside Marine Protected Area (staff) throughout the region. By sharing our scientific data and observations with both MPA staff and the surrounding communities, we can better assist them with future management strategies.


